Your search returned 6012 results.

Simplicial complexes of graphs/ Jakob Jonsson. by
  • Jonsson, Jakob, 1972-
Series: Lecture notes in mathematics ; 1928,
Publication details: Berlin; New York: Springer, c2008
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).

Stability of nonautonomous differential equations/ Luis Barreira, Claudia Valls. by
  • Barreira, Luis, 1968-
  • Valls, Claudia, 1973-
Series: Lecture notes in mathematics (Springer-Verlag) ; 1926.
Publication details: Berlin; New York: Springer, c2008
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).

Zeta functions of groups and rings/ Marcus du Sautoy, Luke Woodward. by
  • Du Sautoy, Marcus
  • Woodward, Luke. D. Phil
Series: Lecture notes in mathematics ; 1925,
Publication details: Berlin; New York: Springer, c2008
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).

Parameter estimation in stochastic differential equations/ Jaya P.N. Bishwal. by
  • Bishwal, Jaya P. N
Series: Lecture notes in mathematics (Springer-Verlag) ; 1923.
Publication details: Berlin; New York: Springer, c2008
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).

Existence and regularity properties of the integrated density of states of random Schrödinger operators/ Ivan Veselic. by
  • Veselic, Ivan, 1973-
Series: Lecture notes in mathematics ; 1917,
Publication details: Berlin; New York: Springer-Verlag, c2008
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).

Entropy methods for the Boltzmann equation: lectures from a special semester at the Centre Émile Borel, Institut H. Poincaré, Paris, 2001/ Fraydoun Rezakhanlou, Cédric Villani ; editors, François Golse, Stefano Olla. by
  • Rezakhanlou, Fraydoun
  • Villani, Cédric, 1973-
  • Golse, François
  • Olla, Stefano, 1959 -
Series: Lecture notes in mathematics (Springer-Verlag) ; 1916.
Publication details: Berlin; New York: Springer, c2008
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).

Scale space and PDE methods in computer vision: 5th international conference, Scale-Space 2005, Hofgeismar, Germany, April 7-9, 2005 : proceedings/ Ron Kimmel, Nir Sochen, Joachim Weickert (eds.). by
  • Scale Space 2005 (5th: 2005: Hofgeismar, Germany)
  • Kimmel, Ron
  • Sochen, Nir
  • Weickert, Joachim, 1965-
Series: Lecture notes in computer science ; 3459
Publication details: Berlin: Springer, c2005
Other title:
  • Scale Space 2005
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).

Primality testing in polynomial time: from randomized algorithms to 'primes is in p'/ M. Dietzfelbinger. by
  • Dietzfelbinger, M
Series: Texts in theoretical computer science
Publication details: Berlin; London: Springer, 2003
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).

Torus fibrations, gerbes, and duality/ Ron Donagi, Tony Pantev ; with an appendix by Dmitry Arinkin. by
  • Donagi, Ron
  • Pantev, Tony, 1963-
  • Arinkin, Dmitry
Series: Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society ; no. 901
Publication details: Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, c2008
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).

Invariant differential operators for quantum symmetric spaces/ Gail Letzter. by
  • Letzter, Gail, 1960-
Series: Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society ; no. 903
Publication details: Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, c2008
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).

Complicial sets characterising the simplicial nerves of strict [omega]-categories/ Dominic Verity. by
  • Verity, Dominic, 1966-
Series: Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society ; no. 905
Publication details: Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, c2008
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).

Rank one Higgs bundles and representations of fundamental groups of Riemann surfaces/ William M. Goldman, Eugene Z. Xia. by
  • Goldman, William Mark
  • Xia, Eugene Zhu, 1963-
Series: Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society ; no. 904
Publication details: Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, c2008
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).

Homotopical algebraic geometry II: geometric stacks and applications/ Bertrand Toën, Gabriele Vezzosi. by
  • Toën, Bertrand, 1973-
  • Vezzosi, Gabriele, 1966-
Series: Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society ; no. 902
Publication details: Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, c2008
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).

Integer points in polyhedra-- geometry, number theory, representation theory, algebra, optimization, statistics: AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference, June 11-15, 2006, Snowbird, Utah/ Matthias Beck ... [et al.], editors. by
  • AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference Integer Points in Polyhedra--Geometry, Number Theory, Representation Theory, Algebra, Optimization, Statistics (2006: Snowbird, Utah)
  • Beck, Matthias
Series: Contemporary mathematics (American Mathematical Society) ; v. 452.
Publication details: Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, c2008
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).

Complex analysis and dynamical systems III: a conference in honor of the retirement of Dov Aharonov, Lev Aizenberg, Samuel Krushkal, and Uri Srebro, January 2-6, 2006, Nahariya, Israel/ Mark Agranovsky ... [et al.]. by
  • International Conference on Complex Analysis and Dynamical Systems (3rd: 2006: Nahariyah, Israel)
  • Babbage, Charles, 1791-1871
Series: Israel mathematical conference proceedings | Contemporary mathematics (American Mathematical Society) ; v. 455
Publication details: Providence, R.I.: Ramat Gan, Israel: American Mathematical Society; Bar-Ilan University, c2008
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).

Representation theory and complex analysis: lectures given at the C.I.M.E. Summer School held in Venice, Italy, June 10-17, 2004/ Michael Cowling ... [et al.] ; editors, Enrico Casadio Tarabusi, Andrea D' Agnolo, Massimo Picardello. by
  • C.I.M.E. Session "Representation Theory and Complex Analysis" (2004: Venice, Italy)
  • Cowling, M. (Michael), 1949-
  • Tarabusi, Enrico Casadio
  • D' Agnolo, Andrea
  • Picardello, Massimo A, 1949-
  • Centro internazionale matematico estivo
Series: Lecture notes in mathematics (Springer-Verlag) ; 1931
Publication details: Berlin: Springer, c2008
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).

From Hahn-Banach to monotonicity/ Stephen Simons. by
  • Simons, S
  • Simons, S. Minimax and monotonicity
Series: Lecture notes in mathematics (Springer-Verlag) ; 1693.
Edition: 2nd, expanded ed.
Publication details: Berlin: Springer, c2008
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).

Toric topology: international conference, May 29-June 3, 2006, Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan/ Megumi Harada ... [et al.], editors. by
  • International Conference on Toric Topology (2006: Osaka City University)
  • Harada, Megumi
Series: Contemporary mathematics (American Mathematical Society) ; v. 460
Publication details: Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, c2008
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).

Real and complex singularities: Ninth International Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities, July 23-28, 2006, ICMC-USP, São Carlos, S.P. Brazil/ Marcelo J. Saia, José Seade, editors. by
  • International Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities
  • Saia, Marcelo José
  • Seade, J. (José)
Series: Contemporary mathematics (American Mathematical Society) ; v. 459.
Publication details: Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, c2008
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).

Heisenberg calculus and spectral theory of hypoelliptic operators on Heisenberg manifolds/ Raphaël S. Ponge. by
  • Ponge, Raphael, 1972-
Series: Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society ; no. 906
Publication details: Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, c2008
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).

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