Studies in numerical analysis: a collection of papers. by
- United States. Air Force. Office of Scientific Research
- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Publication details: Philadelphia: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1968-
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 518 S933 1968 IMPA.
Found in Open Library:
Discrete optimization: proceedings of the Advanced Research Institute on Discrete Optimization and Systems Applications of the Systems Science Panel of NATO and of the Discrete Optimization Symposium, co-sponsored by IBM Canada and SIAM, Banff, Alta. and Vancouver, B.C., Canada, August 1977 / edited by P. L. Hammer, E. L. Johnson, B. H. Korte. by
- Hammer, P. L, 1936-2006
- Johnson, E. L. (Ellis L.)
- Korte, B. H. (Bernhard H.), 1938-
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Systems Science Panel
- IBM Canada
- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
- Discrete Optimization Symposium (1977: Vancouver, B.C.)
Series: Annals of discrete mathematics ; 4-5
Publication details: Amsterdam: New York: New York: North-Holland, Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier/North-Holland, 1979
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (2)Call number: 519.72 D611 1979 IMPA, ...
Found in Open Library:
LINPACK: users' guide/ J. J. Dongarra ... [et al.]. by
- Dongarra, J. J
- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Publication details: Philadelphia: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1979
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 004.22 L758 1979 IMPA.
Found in Open Library:
Advances in discrete and computational geometry: proceedings of the 1996 AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conference, Discrete and Computational Geometry--Ten Years Later, July 14-18, 1996, Mount Holyoke College/ Bernard Chazelle, Jacob E. Goodman, Richard Pollack, editors. by
- Chazelle, B. (Bernard)
- Goodman, Jacob E
- Pollack, Richard D
- American Mathematical Society
- Institute of Mathematical Statistics
- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
- AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference in the Mathematical Sciences, "Discrete and Computational Geometry: Ten Years Later" (1996: Mount Holyoke College)
Series: Contemporary mathematics (American Mathematical Society) ; v. 223.
Publication details: Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, c1999
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).
Found in Open Library:
The Penrose transform and analytic cohomology in representation theory: AMS-IMS-SIAM summer research conference, June 27 to July 3, 1992, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts/ Michael Eastwood, Joseph Wolf, Roger Zierau, editors. by
- Eastwood, Michael G
- Wolf, Joseph Albert, 1936-
- Zierau, Roger, 1956-
- American Mathematical Society
- Institute of Mathematical Statistics
- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
- AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference in the Mathematical Sciences on the Penrose Transform and Analytic Cohomology in Representation Theory (1992: Mount Holyoke College)
Series: Contemporary mathematics (American Mathematical Society) ; v. 154.
Publication details: Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, c1993
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).
Found in Open Library:
Multiscale modeling & simulation: a SIAM interdisciplinary journal. by - Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Publication details: Philadelphia: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2003-
Other title:
- Multiscale modeling and simulation
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (112).
Found in Open Library:
SIAM journal on applied dynamical systems [electronic resource]. by - Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
; Format:
available online
Publication details: Philadelphia: SIAM, c2002-
Other title:
- Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics journal on applied dynamical systems
Availability: No items available.
Found in Open Library:
Fluids and plasmas: geometry and dynamics/ Jerrold E. Marsden, editor. by
- AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference in the Mathematical Sciences on Fluids and Plasmas, Geometry and Dynamics (1983 : University of Colorado, Boulder)
- Marsden, Jerrold E
- American Mathematical Society
- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
- Institute of Mathematical Statistics
- AMS-SIAM-IMS Summer Research Conference (1983 : Boulder, Colo.)
Series: Contemporary mathematics (American Mathematical Society) ; v. 28.
Publication details: Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, c1984
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).
Found in Open Library:
Group actions on manifolds/ Reinhard Schultz, editor. by
- AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference in the Mathematical Sciences on Group Actions on Manifolds (1983 : University of Colorado)
- Schultz, Reinhard, 1943-
- American Mathematical Society
- Institute of Mathematical Statistics
- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Series: Contemporary mathematics (American Mathematical Society) ; v. 36.
Publication details: Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, c1985
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1).
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