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Your search returned 1231 results.

Thermodynamic formalism and applications to dimension theory/ by Luis Barreira. by
  • Barreira, Luis, 1968-
Series: Progress in mathematics ; v. 294.
Publication details: Basel; London: Springer; Birkhäuser, c2011
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 515.39 B271t 2011 IMPA.

Poincaré and the three body problem/ June Barrow-Green. by
  • Barrow-Green, June, 1953-
Series: History of mathematics ; 11.
Publication details: Providence, R.I.; London: American Mathematical Society; London Mathematical Society, c1997
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 510.92 B278p 1997 IMPA.

Stochastic models for social processes/ D. J. Bartholomew. by
  • Bartholomew, David J
Series: Wiley series in probability and mathematical statistics
Edition: 2d ed.
Publication details: London; New York: Wiley, [1973]
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.23 B287s 1973 IMPA.

Probability, statistics, and time: a collection of essays/ M. S. Bartlett. by
  • Bartlett, M. S. (Maurice Stevenson)
Publication details: London: New York: Chapman & Hall, Wiley, Halsted Press, 1975
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519 B291p 1975 IMPA.

The statistical analysis of spatial pattern/ M. S. Bartlett. by
  • Bartlett, M. S. (Maurice Stevenson)
Series: Monographs on applied probability and statistics
Publication details: London: New York: Chapman & Hall, Wiley, 1975
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.53 B291s 1975 IMPA.

Stochastic population models in ecology and epidemiology. by
  • Bartlett, M. S. (Maurice Stevenson)
Series: Methuen's monographs on applied probability and statistics
Publication details: London: New York: Methuen, Wiley, [1960]
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (2)Call number: 519.23 B290s 1960 IMPA, ...

Statistical inference for stochastic processes/ Ishwar V. Basawa and B.L.S. Prakasa Rao. by
  • Basawa, Ishwar V
  • Prakasa Rao, B. L. S [joint author.]
Series: Probability and mathematical statistics
Publication details: London: New York: Academic Press, 1980
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.2 B297s 1980 IMPA.

Introduction to symbolic logic/ A. H. Basson. by
  • Basson, A. H
Edition: [1st ed.]
Publication details: London: Univ. Tutorial Press, 1968
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 511.3 B322i 1968 IMPA.

Circular statistics in biology/ Edward Batschelet. by
  • Batschelet, Edward
Series: Mathematics in biology
Publication details: London New York: Academic Press, 1981
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 570.15 B334c 1981 IMPA.

Geometric computing: or wavelet transforms, robot vision, learning, control and action/ Eduardo Bayro Corrochano. by
  • Bayro Corrochano, Eduardo
Publication details: London; New York: Springer, c 2010
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 006.6 B361g 2010 IMPA.

Risk theory/ [by] R. E. Beard, T. Pentikäinen [and] E. Pesonen. by
  • Beard, R. E. (Robert Eric)
  • Pentikäinen, Teivo [joint author.]
  • Pesonen, E. (Erkki) [joint author.]
Series: Methuen's monographs on applied probability and statistics
Publication details: London: Methuen, 1969
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.2 B368r 1969 IMPA.

Intermediate mathematical statistics/ G. P. Beaumont. by
  • Beaumont, G. P. (Geoffrey P.)
Publication details: London New York: Chapman & Hall, 1980
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.5 B379i 1980 IMPA.

Analysis of infectious disease data/ Niels G. Becker. by
  • Becker, Niels G, 1942-
Series: Monographs on statistics and applied probability
Publication details: London; New York: Chapman & Hall, 1989
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.85 B395a 1989 IMPA.

Higher mathematics examples for electrical engineering students/ [by] D.G.S. Bedding [and] D.W. Porter. by
  • Bedding, D. G. S
  • Porter, D. W
Publication details: London: New York: Macmillan, St. Martin's, 1966
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 621.3 B399h 1966 IMPA.

Conformal maps and geometry/ by Dmitry Beliaev. by
  • Beliaev, Dmitry [author.]
Series: Advanced textbooks in mathematics
Publisher: London; Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific Publishing Europe Ltd., [2020]
Availability: Not available: Castorina: Checked out (1).

The development of mathematics/ by E. T. Bell. by
  • Bell, Eric Temple, 1883-1960
Edition: 2d ed.
Publication details: New York: London: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1945
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (3)Call number: 510.9 B433d 1945 IMPA, ...

An elementary treatise on coordinate geometry of three dimensions. by
  • Bell, Robert J. T. (Robert John Tainsh)
Edition: 3d ed.
Publication details: London: Macmillan, 1950
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 516.1 B435e 1950 IMPA.

Special functions for scientists and engineers/ W. W. Bell. by
  • Bell, W. W. (William Wallace)
Publication details: London: Princeton, N.J.: Van Nostrand, [1968]
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (2)Call number: 515 B435s 1968 IMPA, ...

Space and time; an experimental physicist's conception of these ideas and of their alteration/ by Carl Benedicks. With an introduction by Sir Oliver Lodge, F.R.S. by
  • Benedicks, Carl Axel Fredrik, 1875-
Publication details: London: Methuen, [1924]
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 530.1 B463s 1924 IMPA.

Object recognition: fundamentals and case studies/ M. Bennamoun and G.J. Mamic. by
  • Bennamoun, M. (Mohammed)
  • Mamic, G. J. (George J.), 1977-
Series: Advances in pattern recognition
Publication details: London: New York: Springer, c2002
Online access:
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 006.424 B469o 2002 IMPA.

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