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Categories for the working mathematician/ Saunders Mac Lane. by
  • Mac Lane, Saunders, 1909-2005
Series: Graduate texts in mathematics ; 5.
Edition: 2nd ed.
Publication details: New York: Springer, 1998
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 512.55 M113c 1998 IMPA.

Fluctuations in Markov processes: time symmetry and martingale approximation/ Tomasz Komorowski, Claudio Landim, Stefano Olla. by
  • Komorowski, Tomasz, 1963
  • Landim, Claudio, 1965-
  • Olla, Stefano, 1959 -
Series: Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften ; 345.
Publication details: Heidelberg; New York: Springer, 2012
Other title:
  • Time symmetry and martingale approximation
Online access:
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.233 K81f 2012 IMPA.

Lie groups, Lie algebras, and representations: an elementary introduction/ Brian Hall. by
  • Hall, Brian C
Series: Graduate texts in mathematics ; 222.
Edition: Second edition.
Publisher: Cham; New York: Springer, [2015]
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 512.482 H174l 2015 IMPA.

Energy markets and responsive grids: modeling, control, and optimization/ Sean Meyn,Tariq Samad, Ian Hiskens, Jakob Stoustrup, editors. by
  • Meyn, S. P (Sean P.)
  • Samad, Tariq [editor.]
  • Hiskens, Ian [editor.]
  • Stoustrup, Jakob [editor.]
Series: IMA volumes in mathematics and its applications ; v. 162.
Publisher: New York, NY: Springer, [2018]
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 621.3 E56 2018 IMPA.

Understanding analysis/ Stephen Abbott. by
  • Abbott, Stephen, 1964-
Series: Undergraduate texts in mathematics
Edition: Second edition.
Publisher: New York: Springer, [2015]
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 515 A131u 2016 IMPA.

Cellular automaton modeling of biological pattern formation: characterization, examples, and analysis/ Andreas Deutsch, Sabine Dormann ; foreword by Philip K. Maini, Fellow of the Royal Society London. by
  • Deutsch, Andreas, 1968-
  • Dormann, Sabine [author.]
Series: Modeling and Simulation in Science, Engineering and Technology
Edition: 2nd. edition.
Publisher: New York, NY: Birkhäuser, [2017]
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 570.15 D486c 2017 IMPA.

Lectures on the nearest neighbor method/ Gerard Biau, Luc Devroye. by
  • Biau, Gérard [author.]
  • Devroye, Luc [author.]
Series: Springer series in the data sciences
Publisher: Heidelberg; New York: Springer, [2015]
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.2 B579l 2015 IMPA.

Beyond Einstein: perspectives on geometry, gravitation, and cosmology in the Twentieth Century/ David E. Rowe, Tilman Sauer, Scott A. Walter, editors. by
  • Rowe, David E, 1950-
  • Sauer, Tilman [editor.]
  • Walter, Scott A [editor.]
Series: Einstein studies ; v. 14.
Publication details: [New York]: Birkhäuser, 2018
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 530.11 B573 2018 IMPA.

What mathematics can do for you: essays and tips from Japanese industry leaders/ Yoshikazu Giga, Toshiyuki Kobayashi, editors. by
  • Giga, Yoshikazu, 1965 [editor.]
  • Kobayashi, Toshiyuki, 1962-
Publisher: Tokyo; New York: Springer, [2013]
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 510 W555 2013 IMPA.

Rational points on elliptic curves/ Joseph H. Silverman, John T. Tate. by
  • Silverman, Joseph H, 1955-
  • Tate, John Torrence, 1925-
Series: Undergraduate texts in mathematics
Edition: Second edition.
Publisher: Cham; New York: Springer, [2015]
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 515.35 S587r 2015 IMPA.

A probability path/ Sidney I. Resnick. by
  • Resnick, Sidney I [author.]
Series: Modern Birkhäuser Classics
Publisher: New York: Birkhaüser/Springer, [2014]
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.2 R434p 2014 IMPA.

Stochastic processes/ S.R.S. Varadhan. by
  • Varadhan, S. R. S
Series: Courant lecture notes in mathematics ; 16.
Publication details: New York: Providence, R.I.: Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences; American Mathematical Society, 2007
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 519.23 V287s 2007 IMPA.

Groups of prime power order/ by Yakov Berkovich. by
  • Berkovich, Ya. G, 1938-
  • Janko, Zvonimir, 1932
Series: De Gruyter expositions in mathematics ; 46, etc.
Publication details: Berlin; New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2008-<2018>
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (6)Call number: 512.2 B513g 2018 IMPA, ...

Greek thought, Arab culture: the Graeco-Arabic translation movement in Baghdad and early Abbasid society (2nd-4th/8th-10th c.)/ Dimitri Gutas. by
  • Gutas, Dimitri
Publication details: New York: Routledge, 1998
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 510.9 G983g 1998 IMPA.

Mathematical models in developmental biology/ Jerome K. Percus, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Department of Physics, New York University, Stephen Childress, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. by
  • Percus, Jerome K. (Jerome Kenneth)
  • Childress, Stephen
Series: Courant lecture notes in mathematics ; 26.
Publisher: New York, New York: Providence, Rhode Island: Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences; American Mathematical Society, [2015]
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 577.1 P429m 2015 IMPA.

Probability on graphs: random processes on graphs and lattices/ Geoffrey Grimmett (Statistical Laboratory, University of Cambridge). by
  • Grimmett, Geoffrey [author.]
Series: Institute of Mathematical Statistics textbooks
Edition: Second edition.
Publisher: Cambridge, United Kingdom; New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2018
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 511.5 G864p 2018 IMPA.

Geometric and topological inference/ Jean-Daniel Boissonnat, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, Frederic Chazal, INRIA Saclay-Ile-de-France, Mariette Yvinec, INRIA Sophia Antipolis. by
  • Boissonnat, J.-D. (Jean-Daniel), 1953-
  • Chazal, Frédéric, 1971
  • Yvinec, Mariette, 1953-
Series: Cambridge texts in applied mathematics
Publisher: Cambridge, United Kingdom; New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2018
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 514.2 B684g 2018 IMPA.

Symbols, impossible numbers, and geometric entanglements: British algebra through the commentaries on Newton's Universal arithmetick/ Helena M. Pycior. by
  • Pycior, Helena M (Helena Mary), 1947-
Publication details: Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 510.9 P995s 1997 IMPA.

The concept of stability in numerical mathematics/ Wolfgang Hackbusch. by
  • Hackbusch, W, 1948-
Series: Springer series in computational mathematics ; 45.
Publisher: Heidelberg; New York: Springer, [2014]
Online access:
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 518 H118c 2014 IMPA.

The Hilbert challenge/ Jeremy J. Gray. by
  • Gray, Jeremy, 1947-
Publication details: Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2000
Online access:
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 510.9 G778h 2000 IMPA.

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