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Algebraic logic. by
  • Halmos, Paul R. (Paul Richard), 1916-
Publication details: New York: Chelsea, [1962]
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 511.3 H194a 1962 IMPA.

Machine-independent computer programming. by
  • Halstead, Maurice H. (Maurice Howard), 1918-
Publication details: Washington, DC: Spartan Books, [1962]
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 004.015 H196m 1962 IMPA.

Group theory and its application to physical problems. by
  • Hamermesh, M. (Morton), 1915-
Series: Addison-Wesley series in physics
Publication details: Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, [1962]
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 512.2 H214g 1962 IMPA.

Numerical methods for scientists and engineers/ R. W. Hamming. by
  • Hamming, R. W. (Richard Wesley), 1915-
Series: International series in pure and applied mathematics
Publication details: New York: McGraw-Hill, 1962
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 518 H224n 1962 IMPA.

Set theory/ Translated from the German by John R. Aumann, et al. by
  • Hausdorff, Felix, 1868-1942
Edition: 2d ed.
Language: English Original language: German
Publication details: New York: Chelsea, [1962]
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 511.322 H376s 1962 IMPA.

Lógica elementar/ Leônidas Hegenberg. by
  • Hegenberg, Leônidas
Publication details: [n.p.]: 1962
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 511.3 H462l 1962 IMPA.

Selected topics in the classical theory of functions of a complex variable/ Maurice Heins. by
  • Heins, Maurice, 1915-
Series: Athena series: Selected topics in mathematics
Publication details: New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, [1962]
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 515.9 H471s 1962 IMPA.

Differential geometry and symmetric spaces. by
  • Helgason, Sigurdur
Series: Pure and applied mathematics (Academic Press) ; 12.
Publication details: New York: Academic Press, 1962
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 516.36 H474d 1962 IMPA.

Teoría microeconómica; una aproximación matemática/ por James M. Henderson [y] Richard E. Quandt. Prólogo de Emilio de Figueroa. Traducción de José Ramón Lasuen. by
  • Henderson, James Mitchell, 1929-
  • Quandt, Richard Emeric [joint author.]
Language: Spanish Original language: English
Publication details: Barcelona: Ediciones Ariel, [1968, 1962]
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 330.182 H496t 1962 IMPA.

Discrete variable methods in ordinary differential equations/ Peter Henrici. by
  • Henrici, Peter, 1923-
Publication details: New York: Wiley, [1962]
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 518.63 H518d 1962 IMPA.

Advanced calculus for applications. by
  • Hildebrand, Francis Begnaud
Series: Prentice-Hall mathematics series
Publication details: Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1962
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 515 H643a 1962 IMPA.

Analytic function theory. by
  • Hille, Einar, 1894-
Series: Introductions to higher mathematics
Publication details: Boston: Ginn, [1959-1962]
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (3)Call number: 515.9 H651a 1962 IMPA, ...

Studies in real and complex analysis. by
  • Hirschman, I. I. (Isidore Isaac), 1922-
Series: Studies in mathematics (Mathematical Association of America)
Edition: [1st ed.]
Publication details: Washington, DC: MAA Press, an imprint of the American Mathematical Society, 1962
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 515 H669s 1962 IMPA.

Banach spaces of analytic functions. by
  • Hoffman, Kenneth
Series: Prentice-Hall series in modern analysis
Publication details: Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1962
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 515.7 H699b 1962 IMPA.

Fundamentals of Banach algebras/ Kenneth Hoffman. by
  • Hoffman, Kenneth
Series: Monografías matemáticas da Universidade do Paraná ; v. 3.
Publication details: Curitiba: Instituto de Matemática da Universidade do Paraná, 1962
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (2)Call number: 512.817 H699f 1962 IMPA, ...

The research paper; gathering library material, organizing and preparing the manuscript/ Lucyle Hook and Mary Virginia Gaver. by
  • Hook, Lucyle
  • Gaver, Mary Virginia, 1906- [joint author.]
Edition: 3d ed.
Publication details: Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1962
Availability: Items available for reference: Castorina: Not For Loan (1).

On some theories of quaternion functions/ by Seiichi Hoshi. by
  • Hoshi, Seiichi
Series: Miyazaki Daigaku. Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Miyazaki University ; no. 3.Memoirs of the faculty of Engineering, Miyazaki University ; no. 3.
Publication details: Miyazaki, Japan: [Faculty of Engineering, Miyazaki University], 1962
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 515 H825o 1962 IMPA.

Dimension theory. by
  • Hurewicz, Witold, 1904-1956
  • Wallman, Henry, 1915- [joint author.]
Series: Princeton mathematical series ; 4
Publication details: Princeton, N.J.: London: Princeton University Press, H. Milford, Oxford university press, 1948 [1962]
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (2)Call number: 514 H963d 1952 IMPA, ...

Critical problems in the history of science: proceedings of the Institute for the History of Science at the University of Wisconsin, September 1-11, 1957/ edited by Marshall Clagett. by
  • Institute for the History of Science (1957: University of Wisconsin)
  • Clagett, Marshall, 1916- [ed.]
Publication details: Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1962
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 510.9 C934 1962 IMPA.

Matemática no ensino secundário. by
  • Instituto Brasileiro de Educação, Ciência e Cultura
Edition: [1st ed.]
Publication details: São Paulo: 1962
Availability: Items available for loan: Castorina (1)Call number: 510.7 I59m 1962 IMPA.

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