1. Trends in Volume Visualization and Volume Graphics / Arie Kaufman -- 2. Medical Volume Visualization Based on "Intelligent Volumes" / Karl Heinz Hohne, Andreas Pommert, Martin Riemer, Thomas Schiemann, Rainer Schubert and Ulf Tiede -- 3. Data Parallel Volume Rendering / Wolfgang Kruger and Peter Schroder -- 4. Global Information Visualization -- The Visualization Challenge for the 21st Century / Jose Encarnacao and Martin Fruhauf -- 5. Real-Time Exploratory Scientific Visualization and Virtual Reality / Steve Bryson -- 6. Automated Design of Data Visualizations / Clifford Beshers and Steven Feiner -- 7. Next-generation Data Visualization Tools / Jim Foley and Bill Ribarsky -- 8. From Perception to Visualization / Nahum Gershon. 9. Research Issues in Modeling for the Analysis and Visualization of Large Data Sets / Gregory Nielson -- 10. Modeling and Visualization Through Data Compression / Pere Brunet, Robert Juan, Isabel Navazo, Anna Puig, Jaume Sole and Dani Tost -- 11. Subspace Methods for the Visualization of Multidimensional Data Sets / Markus Gross -- 12. Visualization of Large Data Sets / Hans Hagen -- 13. Computer Animation: A Key Issue for Time Visualization / Nadia Magnenat Thalmann and Daniel Thalmann -- 14. Fundamental Approaches to Interactive Real-Time Visualization Systems / Rae Earnshaw and Mikael Jern -- 15. Underlying Data Models and Structures for Visualization / Julian Gallop. 16. Partitioned Objects Sharing for Visualization in Distributed Environments / Sylvain Causse, Frederic Juaneda and Michel Grave -- 17. Design of a Flexible Monolithic Visualization System / Thomas Fruhauf, Martin Gobel, Helmut Haase and Kennet Karlsson -- 18. Systematic Approaches to Visualization: Is a Reference Model Needed? / Philip Robertson and Lisa De Ferrari -- 19. Coding of Object Surfaces Using Atoms / Yoshihisa Shinagawa, Tosiyasu Kunii, Anatoly Fomenko and Shigeo Takahashi -- 20. Fractal Geometry and its Applications in Visualization / Miroslav Novak -- 21. Representing and Visualizing Complex Continuous Geometric Models / Jaroslaw Rossignac -- 22. Modeling Complex Indoor Scenes Using an Analysis/Synthesis Framework / Andre Gagalowicz. 23. Visual Representation of Vector Fields: Recent Developments and Research Directions / Frits Post and Jarke van Wijk -- 24. Visualization of the Quantum Coulomb Three-Body Problem in the Adiabatic Hyperspherical Approach / D.I. Abramov, V.V. Gusev, S.V. Klimenko, Wolfgang Kruger, L.I. Ponomarev and Wolfgang Renz -- 25. Solar System Visualization: Global Science Maps / Eric De Jong -- 26. Visualization of Vector and Tensor Data Sets / Lambertus Hesselink and Thierry Delmarcelle -- 27. Progress and Problems in Ocean Visualization / Lawrence J. Rosenblum and Behzad Kamgar-Parsi -- 28. Research Issues in Scientific Visualization / Edited by Lawrence J. Rosenblum.
GB9479445 bnb GB94-79445
Computer graphics. Digital computer simulation. Scientific illustration--Computer programs.