Xiong, Xiao, 1989-

Sobolev, Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces on quantum tori/ Xiao Xiong, Quanhua Xu, Zhi Yin. - vi, 118 pages; 26 cm. - Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, number 1203 0065-9266; . - Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society; no. 1203. .

"March 2018, volume 252, number 1203 (fourth of 6 numbers)".

Includes bibliographical references (pages 115-118).

Chapter 0. Introduction -- Chapter 1. Preliminaries -- Chapter 2. Sobolev -- Chapter 3. Besov spaces -- Chapter 4. Triebel-Lizorkin spaces -- Chapter 5. Interpolation -- Chapter 6. Embedding -- Chapter 7. Fourier multiplier.

9781470428068 1470428067


Function spaces.
Sobolev spaces.
Lipschitz spaces.
Torus (Geometry)
