Non-Euclidean geometries: Janos Bolyai memorial volume/ edited by Andras Prekopa, Emil Molnar. - New York: Springer, c2006. - xiii, 506 p.: ill., facsims.; 25 cm. - Mathematics and its applications; v. 581 . - Mathematics and its applications (Springer-Verlag); 581. .

Published in conjunction with an international conference on hyperbolic geometry, held July 6-12, 2002 in Budapest and organized by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and other institutions.

Includes bibliographical references.

0387295542 9780387295541 0387295550 (e-ISBN) 9780387295558 (e-ISBN)


Bolyai, János 1802-1860.

Geometry, Non-Euclidean--Congresses.
Geometry, Hyperbolic--Congresses.

516.9 / N812