Korte, B. H. 1938-
Combinatorial optimization: theory and algorithms/
Bernhard Korte, Jens Vygen.
- 2nd ed.
- Berlin; New York: Springer, c2002.
- xiii, 530 p.: ill.; 25 cm.
- Algorithms and combinatorics; 21 .
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Graphs -- Linear programming -- Linear programming algorithms -- Integer programming -- Spanning trees and arborescences -- Shortest paths -- Network flows -- Minimum cost flows -- Maximum matchings -- Weighted matching -- B-matchings and T-joins -- Matroids -- Generalizations of matroids -- NP-completeness -- Approximation algorithms -- The knapsack problem -- Bin-packing -- Multicommodity flows and edge-disjoint paths -- Network design problems -- The traveling salesman problem .
Combinatorial optimization.
519.3 / K85c