Dynamical systems: Ergodic theory with applications to dynamical systems and statistical mechanics/ Ya. G. Sinai (ed.). - Berlin; New York: Springer-Verlag, c1989. - viii,281 p.: ill.; 24 cm. - Encyclopaedia of mathematical sciences; v. 2. . - Encyclopaedia of mathematical sciences. v. 1, etc. .

Translation of: Dinamicheskie sistemy, issued as part of the series: Itogi nauki i tekhniki. Seriia Sovremennye problemy matematiki.

Includes bibliographies and index.

3540170014 ( Berlin ) 0387170014 ( New York )

Mechanics, Analytic.
Celestial mechanics.
Mécanique analytique.
Mécanique céleste.
Mécanique statistique.