Journal of econometrics. - [Amsterdam]: North-Holland, - v.: 24 cm. - 3 no. per v.; 4 v. per year, <1992-> - Bimonthly, 1977-1978 3 no. per v.; 3 v. per year, 1979- - v. 1- Mar. 1973-

ABI/INFORM Jan. 1982- Management contents 1974- Social sciences index 0094-4920 Index of economic articles in journals and collective volumes 0536-647X Mathematical reviews 0025-5629

Vols. 41-50, 1989-91, in v. 51, no. 3; v. 61-75, 1994-96, as v. 78, no. 1.

Vols. for 1979- have supplement, issued as no. 1: Annals of applied econometrics.

0304-4076 = Journal of econometrics. = J. econom.


Elsevier Sequoia S.A., P.O.B. 564, CH-1001 Lausanne 1, Switzerland


