The mathematical legacy of Wilhelm Magnus: groups, geometry, and special functions : Conference on the Legacy of Wilhelm Magnus, May 1-3, 1992, Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, New York/ William Abikoff, Joan S. Birman, Kathryn Kuiken, editors. - Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, c1994. - x, 499 p. ; 36 cm. - Contemporary mathematics ; 169. . - Contemporary mathematics (American Mathematical Society); v. 169. .

Includes bibliographical references.

082185156X (acid-free)


Group theory---Congresses.
Functions of complex variables---Congresses.
Functions, Special---Congresses.
Groupes, théorie des---Congrès.
Fonctions d'une variable complexe---Congres.
Fonctions spéciales---Congres.
