Proceedings of the Royal Society [of London]. Series A, Mathematical, Physical and Engineering sciences.
Publication details: London: The Society, 1905-Description: v.: ill.; 26 cmISSN:- 1364-5021
- Proceedings of the Royal Society. Section A, mathematical and physical sciences [Other title]
- Mathematical and physical sciences [Other title]
- Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A [Other title]
- Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containing papers of a mathematical and physical character [Other title]
- 510/.5
- W1 PR586Y
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1905-1930. 1 v.; 1931-1940. 1 v. (In: Index to the Proceedings of the Royal Society of London ... and to the Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London); 1941-1950. 1 v. (In: Index to the Proceedings, Philosophical transactions, and Obituary notices of the Royal Society of London); 1951-1960. 1 v.; 1961-1970. 1 v.; 1971-1980. 1 v. (In: Decennial index) .
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