Michigan State University. (Corporate Name)
Mich. State Univ. 1985 facts books, 1985: t.p. (Michigan State University) p. 48 (since its inception in 1855, MSU has undergone the following name changes: 1855: Agricultural College of the State of Michigan; 1861: State Agricultural College; 1909: Michigan Agricultural College; 1925: Michigan State College of Agriculture and Applied Science; 1955: Michigan State University of Agriculture and Applied Science; 1956: Michigan State University)
Kuhn, M. Mich. State, 1955: t.p. (Michigan State) p. 303 ("The Agricultural College of the State of Michigan," f. 1855, was renamed "the State Agricultural College" by the law of 1861; omission of "Michigan" from the latter designation resulted in two variants, Michigan State Agricultural College and State Agricultural College of Michigan, which were used so interchangeably that some annual catalogs carry the one on the cover and the other on the t.p.; unofficially it was usually shortened to Michigan Agricultural College and the initials M.A.C. became the school's symbol; in 1909, the Legislature designated it "Michigan Agricultural College")
Extension bulletin (Michigan State University of Agriculture and Applied Science. Cooperative Extension Service). Extension bulletin, June 1955: t.p. (Michigan State University of Agriculture and Applied Science); Extension bulletin (Michigan State University. Cooperative Extension Service). Extension bulletin, Feb. 1956: t.p. (Michigan State University)