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Basawa, Ishwar V. (Personal Name)

Preferred form: Basawa, Ishwar V.

nuc86-65431: Author's Asymptotic tests of composite hypotheses for non-ergodic ... 1979 (hdg. on MiEM rept.: Basawa, I. V.; usage: I.V. Basawa)

LC data base, 11/17/86 (hdg.: Basawa, Ishwar V.; usage: Ishwar V. Basawa)

Statistical inference in stochastic processes, 1990: CIP t.p. (I.V. Basawa; Univ. of Georgia, Athens, Georgia) CIP info. (b. 7/30/39; citizen: Australia; domic.: U.S.)

Queuing and related models, 1992: CIP t.p. (I.V. Basawa, Univ. of Georgia, Dept. of Statistics) pub. info (Dr. Ishwarasa V. Basawa)

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