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Kakosyan, A. V., (Ashot Vazrikievich), 1948- (Personal Name)
His Characterization of distributions by the method of intensively monotone operators, 1984: t.p. (Ashot V. Kakosyan) t.p. verso (Ashot Vazrikievich Kakosyan; Dept. of Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Tbilisi Mathematical Institute of the Georgian Academy of Sciences) pub. info. (b. 7/23/48)
His Problema postroenii²a modeleÁi v statist. teorii ... 1986: t.p. (A. V. Kakosi²an) p. 2 of cover (Ashot Vazrikievich Kakosi²an; A#sot Vazrikis #ze Kakosiani)
Gruzinskai²a SSR, 1981; Akademii²a nauk GruzinskoÁi SSR.