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Sveshnikov, A. A. (Aram Arutiunovich) (Personal Name)

Preferred form: Sveshnikov, A. A. (Aram Arutiunovich)

LCCN 67-11277: His Problems in probability theory, mathematical statistics, and theory of random functions, 1968 (hdg.: Sveshnikov, Aram Arut­i²unovich; usage: A.A. Sveshnikov)

LC data base, 5-23-84 (hdg.: Sveshnikov, Aram Arut­i²unovich; usage: A.A. Sveshnikov)

NUC (hdg.: Sveshnikov, Aram Arut­i²unovich; usage: A.A. Sveshnikov [in Cyrillic])

Matematika v SSSR, 1958-1967, 1969-1970: v. 2, p. 1190 (Sveshnikov Aram Arut­i²unovich; b. 11-18-1911)

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