Linear statistical inference: proceedings of the international conference held at Poznan, Poland, June 4-8, 1984/

Linear statistical inference: proceedings of the international conference held at Poznan, Poland, June 4-8, 1984/ edited by T. Calinski and W. Klonecki. - Berlin ; New York: Springer-Verlag, c1985. - vi, 317 p.: ill.; 25 cm. - Lecture notes in statistics ; 35. . - Lecture notes in statistics (Springer-Verlag); v. 35. .

About half of the 43 papers presented at an international statistical conference on linear inference, Poznan, Poland, 6/4-8/84, organized under the auspices of the Polish Section of the Bernoulli Society, the Committee of Mathematical Sciences, and the Mathematical Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences .

Includes bibliographies.

0387962557 (U.S. : pbk.)


Linear models (Statistics)---Congresses.

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