Introduction to real analysis /

Bartle, Robert G., 1927-2003.

Introduction to real analysis / Robert G. Bartle, Donald R. Sherbert. - Fourth edition. - xiii, 402 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

"This text provides the fundamental concepts and techniques of real analysis for students in all of these areas. It helps one develop the ability to think deductively, analyse mathematical situations and extend ideas to a new context. Like the first three editions, this edition maintains the same spirit and user-friendly approach with addition examples and expansion on Logical Operations and Set Theory. There is also content revision in the following areas: introducing point-set topology before discussing continuity, including a more thorough discussion of limsup and limimf, covering series directly following sequences, adding coverage of Lebesgue Integral and the construction of the reals, and drawing student attention to possible applications wherever possible"--

9780471433316 0471433314


015773217 Uk

Mathematical analysis.
Análise Matemática.
Functions of real variables.

515 / B289i
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