Élie Cartan, differential systems, transformation groups and differential invariants/
Shadwick, W. F., 1951-
Élie Cartan, differential systems, transformation groups and differential invariants/ Seminário: William Shadwick. - Rio de Janeiro: IMPA, 2020. - video online
Resumo: More than a century ago, Elie Cartan produced a collection of powerful methods for addressing problems that were, and remain, central to mathematics.The initial impact of this work was the solution of a major outstanding problem of the time, the classification of infinite dimensional Lie pseudogroups.But Cartans tools have applications well beyond the study of pseudogroups, namely the systematic discovery of the truly intrinsic featuresdifferential invariants and symmetry groups that are independent of any choice of local coordinates from a given group of coordinate transformations.I will give an overview of Cartans machinery and survey a variety of applications and potential applications in geometry, dynamical systems, probability and numerical analysis .
Élie Cartan, differential systems, transformation groups and differential invariants/ Seminário: William Shadwick. - Rio de Janeiro: IMPA, 2020. - video online
Resumo: More than a century ago, Elie Cartan produced a collection of powerful methods for addressing problems that were, and remain, central to mathematics.The initial impact of this work was the solution of a major outstanding problem of the time, the classification of infinite dimensional Lie pseudogroups.But Cartans tools have applications well beyond the study of pseudogroups, namely the systematic discovery of the truly intrinsic featuresdifferential invariants and symmetry groups that are independent of any choice of local coordinates from a given group of coordinate transformations.I will give an overview of Cartans machinery and survey a variety of applications and potential applications in geometry, dynamical systems, probability and numerical analysis .