Mathematics and the real world: the remarkable role of evolution in the making of mathematics/
Artstein, Zvi, 1943-
Mathematics and the real world: the remarkable role of evolution in the making of mathematics/ Zvi Artstein ; translated from Hebrew by Alan Hercberg. - 426 pages: illustrations; 24 cm
Includes bibliographical references (pages 413-416) and index.
Translation of: Hakesher hamatemati : hamatematika shell hateva, hateva shell hamatematika ve-hazika la-evolutzia.
9781616140915 (hardback) 1616140917 (hardback)
GBB4B4039 bnb
016891268 Uk
Mathematics and the real world: the remarkable role of evolution in the making of mathematics/ Zvi Artstein ; translated from Hebrew by Alan Hercberg. - 426 pages: illustrations; 24 cm
Includes bibliographical references (pages 413-416) and index.
Translation of: Hakesher hamatemati : hamatematika shell hateva, hateva shell hamatematika ve-hazika la-evolutzia.
9781616140915 (hardback) 1616140917 (hardback)
GBB4B4039 bnb
016891268 Uk