Locally compact transformation groups and C*-algebras/
Effros, Edward G.
Locally compact transformation groups and C*-algebras/ by Edward G. Effros [and] Frank Hahn. - Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, 1967. - 92 p.: 26 cm. - Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society; no. 75 .
Bibliography: p. 89-92.
Transformations (Mathematics)
Group theory.
Algebras, Linear.
Locally compact transformation groups and C*-algebras/ by Edward G. Effros [and] Frank Hahn. - Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, 1967. - 92 p.: 26 cm. - Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society; no. 75 .
Bibliography: p. 89-92.
Transformations (Mathematics)
Group theory.
Algebras, Linear.