Analysis and geometry of metric measure spaces: lecture notes of the 50th Séminaire de Mathématiques Supérieures (SMS), Montréal, 2011/

Analysis and geometry of metric measure spaces: lecture notes of the 50th Séminaire de Mathématiques Supérieures (SMS), Montréal, 2011/ Galia Dafni, Robert John McCann, Alina Stancu, editors. - xv, 220 pages: illustrations; 26 cm. - CRM proceedings & lecture notes; volume 56 . - CRM proceedings & lecture notes; v. 56. .

Includes bibliographical references.

9780821894187 (alk. paper) 0821894188 (alk. paper)


Metric spaces.--Congresses.
Geometry, Differential--Congresses.
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