Complex Analytic Mathods in Dynamical Systems/ in honor of the 60th birthday of César Camacho.

Complex Analytic Mathods in Dynamical Systems/ in honor of the 60th birthday of César Camacho. - Rio de Janeiro: IMPA, 2003. - video online

This is the third in a series of international conferences on Complex Dynamical Systems organized at IMPA. The first edition was in January 1992 and second in September 1998, always with a massive participation of mathematicians in all fields of Complex Dynamics, Foliation Theory and Complex Geometry. This next conference will be dedicated to César Camacho, who will be celebrating his 60th anniversary. Lectures will cover, among other fields, the following main topics: Complex singularities Holomorphic dynamics and foliations Indices of complex vector fields and residues of holomorphic foliations Several complex variables and higher dimensional dynamics Algebraic geometry methods in holomorphic foliations The meeting will highlight the use of Complex Variables methods in the study of Dynamical Systems and Geometry.

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