An invitation to quantum cohomology: Kontsevich's formula for rational plane curves/

Kock, Joachim.

An invitation to quantum cohomology: Kontsevich's formula for rational plane curves/ Kontsevich's formula for rational plane curves Joachim Kock, Israel Vainsencher. - Boston: Birkhäuser, c2007. - xii, 159 p.: ill.; 24 cm. - Progress in mathematics; vol. 249 . - Progress in mathematics .

Revised and expanded translation of the original Portuguese edition (A fâormula de Kontsevich para curvas racionais planas. Rio de Janeiro : Instituto de Matematica Pura e Aplicada, c1999).

Includes bibliographical references (p. [149]-155) and index.

Stable n-pointed curves -- Stable maps -- Enumerative geometry via stable maps -- Gromov-Witten invariants -- Quantum cohomology.

0817644563 9780817644567


Geometry, Enumerative.
Quantum theory.
Homology theory.
Curves, Plane.
Geometrie enumerative.
Theorie quantique.
Courbes planes.
Teoria homologica.
Geometria algebrica.
Curvas planas.

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