Mirror symmetry III: proceedings of the Conference on Complex Geometry and Mirror Symmetry, Montréal, 1995/

Mirror symmetry III: proceedings of the Conference on Complex Geometry and Mirror Symmetry, Montréal, 1995/ Mirror symmetry 3 Mirror symmetry three Duong H. Phong, Luc Vinet, and Shing-Tung Yau, editor. - Providence, R.I.: [Montreal]: [Cambridge, Mass.]: American Mathematical Society; Centre de recherches mathémathiques, CRM; International Press, c1999. - ix, 312 p.; 26 cm. - AMS/IP studies in advanced mathematics; v. 10 .

Includes bibliographical references.

0821811932 9780821811931



Mirror symmetry.
Geometry, Differential--Congresses.
Functions of several complex variables--Congresses.
Symetrie miroir--Congres.
Géométrie différentielle--Congrés.
Fonctions de plusieurs variables complexes.--congres.
Symetrie du miroir--Congres.
Géométrie différentielle--Congrés.
Fonctions de plusieurs variables complexes.--Congres.

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