Kähler spaces, nilpotent orbits, and singular reduction/

Huebschmann, Johannes 1950-

Kähler spaces, nilpotent orbits, and singular reduction/ Johannes Huebschmann. - Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, 2004. - vi, 96 p.: ill.; 26 cm. - Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society; no. 814, 0065-9266 .

"Volume 172, number 814 (third of 4 numbers)."

Includes bibliographical references (p. 93-96).

0821835459 (alk. paper) 0821835726 (alk. paper)


GBA477351 bnb

Poisson manifolds.
Poisson algebras.
Symplectic geometry.
Linear algebraic groups.
Geometria Diferencial.
Geometria Algebrica.
Álgebras de lie.

510 s 516.3/62
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