Heat kernels and analysis on manifolds, graphs, and metric spaces: lecture notes from a quarter program on heat kernels, random walks, and analysis on manifolds and graphs : April 16-July 13, 2002, Emile Borel Centre of the Henri Poincaré Institute, Paris, France/

Heat kernels and analysis on manifolds, graphs, and metric spaces: lecture notes from a quarter program on heat kernels, random walks, and analysis on manifolds and graphs : April 16-July 13, 2002, Emile Borel Centre of the Henri Poincaré Institute, Paris, France/ Pascal Auscher, Thierry Coulhon, Alexander Grigoryan, editors. - Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, c2003. - vii, 423 p.: ill.; 26 cm. - Contemporary mathematics; 338 . - Contemporary mathematics (American Mathematical Society); v. 338. .

Includes bibliographical references.

0821833839 (alk. paper)


Heat equation.
Elliptic operators.
Stochastic partial differential equations;
Metric spaces.

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