UMAP ILAP modules: tools for teaching 2001-02/

UMAP ILAP modules: tools for teaching 2001-02/ Interdisciplinary Lively Application Projects modules Tools for teaching UMAP ILAP modules 2001-02 edited by Paul J. Campbell. - Lexington, MA: Published by the Consortium of Mathematics and Its Applications, c2002. - vi, 216 p.: ill.; 23 cm.


Includes bibliographical references.

Introduction -- UMAP modules -- An Elementary Introduction to Relational Database Theory/ Matroids: the Theory and Practice of Greed/ Insolation/ An Introduction to Portfolio Theory/ ILAP Modules -- Red and Blue Laser CDs: How Much Data Can They Hold?/ The Hopping Hoop/ Guide for Authors. Paul Atsusi Isihara and Kevin Schoonmaker. Christian Jones and Ran Libeskind-Hadas -- Joseph Bertorelli -- Paul R. Thie -- Bruce Ackerson, Dennis Bertholf, James Choike, Emily Stanley, and John Wolfe -- Tim Pritchett and Stan Wagon -- Unit 769. Unit 781. Unit 782. Unit 784.


Mathematics---Study and teaching (Higher education)--United States
Interdisciplinary approach in education---United States.

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