On sets not belonging to algebras of subsets/
Grinblat, L. S., 1944-
On sets not belonging to algebras of subsets/ L. S. Grinblat. - Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, 1992. - vi, 111 p.: ill.; 26 cm. - Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society; no. 480 .
"November 1992, volume 100, number 480 (third of 4 numbers)."
Includes bibliographical references (p. 111).
0821825410 (acid-free paper)
Combinatorial set theory.
Stone-Cech compactification
Teoria da Medida
Teoria dos Conjuntos
510s 511.3/22
On sets not belonging to algebras of subsets/ L. S. Grinblat. - Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, 1992. - vi, 111 p.: ill.; 26 cm. - Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society; no. 480 .
"November 1992, volume 100, number 480 (third of 4 numbers)."
Includes bibliographical references (p. 111).
0821825410 (acid-free paper)
Combinatorial set theory.
Stone-Cech compactification
Teoria da Medida
Teoria dos Conjuntos
510s 511.3/22