The rational quartic curve in space of three and four dimensions; being an introduction to rational curves/
Telling, Helen Grace
The rational quartic curve in space of three and four dimensions; being an introduction to rational curves/ by H. G. Telling. - Cambridge, UK: The University press, 1936. - vi, [2], 78 p.: diagrs., 22 cm. - Cambridge tracts in mathematics and mathematical physics. General editors: G. H. Hardy. E. Cunningham; no. 34 . - Cambridge tracts in mathematics and mathematical physics; 34. .
Bibliography: p. viii.
Curves, Quartic.
516.35 / T276r
The rational quartic curve in space of three and four dimensions; being an introduction to rational curves/ by H. G. Telling. - Cambridge, UK: The University press, 1936. - vi, [2], 78 p.: diagrs., 22 cm. - Cambridge tracts in mathematics and mathematical physics. General editors: G. H. Hardy. E. Cunningham; no. 34 . - Cambridge tracts in mathematics and mathematical physics; 34. .
Bibliography: p. viii.
Curves, Quartic.
516.35 / T276r