The Rademacher legacy to mathematics: the centenary conference in honor of Hans Rademacher, July 21-25, 1992, the Pennsylvania State University/

The Rademacher legacy to mathematics: the centenary conference in honor of Hans Rademacher, July 21-25, 1992, the Pennsylvania State University/ George E. Andrews, David M. Bressoud, L. Alayne Parson, editors. - Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, c1994. - xxxvi, 369 p.: ill.; 26 cm. - Contemporary mathematics, 166 0271-4132 ; . - Contemporary mathematics (American Mathematical Society); v. 166. .

"From July 21 to July 25, 1992 the Hans Rademacher Centenary Conference was held at the Pennsylvania State University"--Pref.

Includes bibliographical references.

082185173X (alk. paper)


Automorphic forms---Congresses.
Discontinuous functions---Congresses.
Formes automorphiques---Congres.
Fonctions discontinues---Congres.

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