Algebraic topology, Barcelona 1986: proceedings of a symposium held in Barcelona, April 2-8, 1986/

Algebraic topology, Barcelona 1986: proceedings of a symposium held in Barcelona, April 2-8, 1986/ J. Aguadé, R. Kane (eds.). - Berlin; New York: Springer-Verlag, c1987. - x, 255 p.: ill.; 25 cm. - Lecture notes in mathematics; 1298. . - Lecture notes in mathematics (Springer-Verlag); 1298. .

Some contributions in French. "The Second Barcelona Conference on Algebraic Topology was held April 2-8 1986 at the Institut d'Estudis Catalans, Barcelona".

Includes bibliographies.

3540187294 (Berlin Heidelberg New York) 0387187294 (New York Berlin Heidelberg)



Algebraic topology---Congresses.
Topologie algébrique--Congres.

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