Diophantine approximation and transcendence theory: seminar, Bonn (FRG) May-June 1985/
Diophantine approximation and transcendence theory: seminar, Bonn (FRG) May-June 1985/
G. Wüstholz (ed.).
- Berlin; New York: Springer-Verlag, c1987.
- 243 p.; 25 cm.
- Lecture notes in mathematics; 1290. .
- Lecture notes in mathematics (Springer-Verlag); 1290. .
Includes bibliographies.
Arithmétique des surfaces cubiques diagonales / J.-L. Colliot-Thélène, D. Kanevsky, J.-J. Sansuc -- Small values of heights on families of Abelian varieties / D.W. Masser -- Large transcendence degree revisited / W.D. Brownawell -- Large transcendence degree revisited / W.D. Brownawell, R. Tubbs -- A new approach to Baker's theorum on linear forms in logarithms I-II / G. Wüstholz -- On the Thue-Mahler equation / E. Bombieri .
0387185976 (New York : pbk.) 3540185976 (Berlin)
88118264 //r92
Diophantine approximation---Congresses.
Transcendental numbers---Congresses.
Algebraic number theory---Congresses.
Diophantine equations.
510 s 512/.74
Includes bibliographies.
Arithmétique des surfaces cubiques diagonales / J.-L. Colliot-Thélène, D. Kanevsky, J.-J. Sansuc -- Small values of heights on families of Abelian varieties / D.W. Masser -- Large transcendence degree revisited / W.D. Brownawell -- Large transcendence degree revisited / W.D. Brownawell, R. Tubbs -- A new approach to Baker's theorum on linear forms in logarithms I-II / G. Wüstholz -- On the Thue-Mahler equation / E. Bombieri .
0387185976 (New York : pbk.) 3540185976 (Berlin)
88118264 //r92
Diophantine approximation---Congresses.
Transcendental numbers---Congresses.
Algebraic number theory---Congresses.
Diophantine equations.
510 s 512/.74