Mathematical analysis, wavelets, and signal processing: an International Conference on Mathematical Analysis and Signal Processing, January 3-9, 1994, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt/
Mathematical analysis, wavelets, and signal processing: an International Conference on Mathematical Analysis and Signal Processing, January 3-9, 1994, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt/
Mourad E.H. Ismail ... [et al.], editors.
- Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, c1995.
- x, 354 p.: ill.; 25 cm.
- Contemporary mathematics, 190. .
- Contemporary mathematics (American Mathematical Society); v. 190. .
Includes bibliographical references.
Mathematics in Egypt and its connections with the court school of Charlemagne / P.L. Butzer -- Towards a survey of Paul Butzer's contributions to approximation theory / R.J. Nessel -- Ergodic theorems for semigroups and cosine operator functions at zero and infinity with rates and applications to partial differential equations. A survey / P.L. Butzer and A. Gessinger -- Modular estimates and modular convergence for linear integral operators / Carlo Bardaro and Gianluca Vinti -- An abstract two-point boundary value problem / James A. Donaldson and Daniel A. Williams III -- A Riemann-Lebesgue lemma for Jacobi expansions / George Gasper and Walter Trebels -- Centroids : fast Fourier transform versus wavelets / Yvette M. Gordon and Ahmed I. Zayed -- Rapidly converging series representations for zeta-type functions / Michael Hauss -- Sampling for multi-band functions / J.R. Higgins -- Askey-Wilson operators / Mourad E.H. Ismail -- Reducing the Gibbs phenomenon in a Fourier-Bessel series, Hankel and Fourier transforms / Abdul J. Jerri -- Divergence almost everywhere of a pointwise comparison between convolution processes and their discrete analogues / N. Kirchhoff and R.J. Nessel -- Generalized multiresolution analysis and convergence of spline approximations on R[superscript d] / Mark A. Kon and Louise A. Raphael -- Reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces from sampling expansions / M. Zuhair Nashed and Gilbert G. Walter -- Sinc convolution : a tool for circumventing some limitations of classical signal processing / Frank Stenger -- Bounds for the aliasing error in nonuniform sinc interpolation / M. Zwaan -- The SUP norm of a weighted polynomial : alternative proof / Radwan Al-Jarrah and Sayel Ali -- A simplified square wave transform for signal processing / Tabek I. Haweel and AM. Alhasan -- The use of attributed automaton in the recognition of handwritten numerals / K.A. Kamel, T.A. El-Sadany, and A.H. Desoky -- Jacobi polynomials of type BC, Jack polynomials, limit transitions and O([infinity]) / Tom H. Koornwinder -- The last of the hypergeometric continued fractions / David R. Masson -- Processing of FSK/FH signals with unknown code / A.E. Mohamed, M.A. Bahie-Eldin, and S.T. Soliman -- A theory of extended pseudo-biorthogonal bases and its application to generalized sampling theorem / Hidemitsu Ogawa and Nasr-Eddine Berrached --On discrete band-limited signal extrapolation / Thomas Strohmer -- Periodic splines and wavelets / Valery A. Zheludev .
0821803840 (alk. paper)
95021409 //r96
Mathematical analysis---Congresses.
Wavelets (Mathematics)---Congresses.
Signal processing---Mathematics--Congresses.
Analyse mathématique---Congres.
Traitement du signal---Congres.--Mathématiques
Includes bibliographical references.
Mathematics in Egypt and its connections with the court school of Charlemagne / P.L. Butzer -- Towards a survey of Paul Butzer's contributions to approximation theory / R.J. Nessel -- Ergodic theorems for semigroups and cosine operator functions at zero and infinity with rates and applications to partial differential equations. A survey / P.L. Butzer and A. Gessinger -- Modular estimates and modular convergence for linear integral operators / Carlo Bardaro and Gianluca Vinti -- An abstract two-point boundary value problem / James A. Donaldson and Daniel A. Williams III -- A Riemann-Lebesgue lemma for Jacobi expansions / George Gasper and Walter Trebels -- Centroids : fast Fourier transform versus wavelets / Yvette M. Gordon and Ahmed I. Zayed -- Rapidly converging series representations for zeta-type functions / Michael Hauss -- Sampling for multi-band functions / J.R. Higgins -- Askey-Wilson operators / Mourad E.H. Ismail -- Reducing the Gibbs phenomenon in a Fourier-Bessel series, Hankel and Fourier transforms / Abdul J. Jerri -- Divergence almost everywhere of a pointwise comparison between convolution processes and their discrete analogues / N. Kirchhoff and R.J. Nessel -- Generalized multiresolution analysis and convergence of spline approximations on R[superscript d] / Mark A. Kon and Louise A. Raphael -- Reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces from sampling expansions / M. Zuhair Nashed and Gilbert G. Walter -- Sinc convolution : a tool for circumventing some limitations of classical signal processing / Frank Stenger -- Bounds for the aliasing error in nonuniform sinc interpolation / M. Zwaan -- The SUP norm of a weighted polynomial : alternative proof / Radwan Al-Jarrah and Sayel Ali -- A simplified square wave transform for signal processing / Tabek I. Haweel and AM. Alhasan -- The use of attributed automaton in the recognition of handwritten numerals / K.A. Kamel, T.A. El-Sadany, and A.H. Desoky -- Jacobi polynomials of type BC, Jack polynomials, limit transitions and O([infinity]) / Tom H. Koornwinder -- The last of the hypergeometric continued fractions / David R. Masson -- Processing of FSK/FH signals with unknown code / A.E. Mohamed, M.A. Bahie-Eldin, and S.T. Soliman -- A theory of extended pseudo-biorthogonal bases and its application to generalized sampling theorem / Hidemitsu Ogawa and Nasr-Eddine Berrached --On discrete band-limited signal extrapolation / Thomas Strohmer -- Periodic splines and wavelets / Valery A. Zheludev .
0821803840 (alk. paper)
95021409 //r96
Mathematical analysis---Congresses.
Wavelets (Mathematics)---Congresses.
Signal processing---Mathematics--Congresses.
Analyse mathématique---Congres.
Traitement du signal---Congres.--Mathématiques